Lumacone stuffed with Ricotta cheese & Cappuliato

Lumacone stuffed with Ricotta cheese & Cappuliato

Chiara Di FalcoNov 16, '22
Lumacone stuffed with Ricotta cheese & Cappuliato
First boil the water for the pasta. Then put the pasta inside but cook them only for 10 minutes because you will finish cooking them in the oven. 
In the meantime make a mix of ricotta cheese and a pot of Sicilian Cappuliato.
Drain the pasta, let it become a bit cold and then stuff every single lumacone with the mix. 
Put them into a baking tray and put some more of the cream on top and bread crumbs.
Add some extra virgin olive oil drops and put in preheated oven for 15 minutes, 170 degrees. 
Buon appetito! 

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