- Lasagna Armando
- 2 red onions
- 400 gr fresh spinach
- 100 gr cherry tomatoes
- 250 gr ricotta
- 3 spoons ‘Artichoke spread’
- 1 mozzarella, in cubes
- Scamorza, in cubes
- Olive oil, salt and pepper
Clean the onions, cut them in half and slice them thinly. Add them to a large pan with 2 spoons of olive oil and cook them on medium fire until they start to become golden. Add the cherry tomatoes previously cut in half. Keep the fire on medium/high and stir continuously. When the cherry tomatoes have lost all their water, add the fresh spinach. It will take about 5 minutes until they become soft. At this point, add salt and pepper to your liking.
In the meantime, use a bowl to mix the ricotta with the artichoke spread.
When everything is ready, start composing your lasagna. Add a thin layer of the ricotta cream to the bottom, then 2 lasagna shits next to each other. We are making a 3 layer lasagna so you need to divide your sauce into 3 parts (if your baking tray is bigger and you made more sauce you can definitely go for a bigger lasagna!). Add the first part on top of the lasagna sheet, add some mozzarella and some scamorza cubes on top and finally 2 spoons of the ricotta cream. Add 2 more lasagna sheets and continue until the sauce is over. Keep a bit of the sauce and the ricotta cream to spread on top.
Once the lasagna is built, bake it in a preheated oven for 30 minutes. Let it cool down for 15 minutes at least and then enjoy!